Victor Cozzetto, WTNC, CECP

Phone: (516) 262-8482


“What we do for ourself dies with us. What we do for others and the world, remains, and is immortal” – Albert Pine


I am a Nutritionist, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Holistic practitioner, and Computer Scientist; having graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Wise Traditions Nutrition certificate program at Hawthorn University. For my undergraduate work I majored in computer science and graduated with a double minor in psychology and sociology from the University of Maryland. I am also a practitioner and advocate of energy healing and electric medicine, and continue to study both ancient and emerging healing methods.

I empower people to heal by showing them how to nourish and how to detox – both physically and emotionally. I help them understand the many tools available to them, and help them expose the hidden dangers that might be undermining their wellness. I address all aspects of mind, body, and spirit, as well as the relationship between oneself and our world.

Vitagenics is a small collaborative of doctors and healers that care about wellness. We are here to coach you, to provide moral support, and give you information. We are not a medical institution, and do not claim to have any cures. We are simply ‘crowd sourcing’ wellness efforts, so that you and your doctors can be more informed on options.

Victor F. Cozzetto
Wise Traditions Nutritionist

Vita = Life (Latin)
Genics = to cause, to form, to produce


The information provided by Vitagenics (in seminars, handouts, videos, Q&As, websites, etc.) is for information purposes only. It is in no way intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professionals.

You should not rely upon or follow the programs or techniques, or use any of the products and services made available by or through Vitagenics for decision making, without first obtaining the advice of a physician or other health care professional.

Information provided by Vitagenics is not intended to be, and does not constitute health care or medical advice.

Profile / Resume / CV
Victor F. Cozzetto
DOB: March 25, 1964
Citizenship: US

Owner of Vitagenics & 3NF Corporation

Working as a professional in various fields, in recent years I have merged my knowledge and experience to focus on holistic wellness and nutrition efforts. For many decades I collaborated informally with various healers, doctors, and associates as an unpaid advisor. I formalized that endeavor several years ago by attending Hawthorn University to pursue graduate work in nutrition, and now perform such services professionally. My primary goal is to teach, coach, and mentor, thus empowering people to improve their own health, or the health of their clients.

My experiences and approach are very holistic, as I address all aspects of mind, body, and spirit, as well as the relationship between oneself and our world. I have a black belt in Judo, which I started at ten years old, and have spent years in other martial arts, such as BJJ, Aikido, and more. These were practices that I applied not only physically, but also philosophically and spiritually. In recent years I have also been certified as an Emotion Code practitioner, which is built upon the use of applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and the energy healing practices of various traditions. I continue my education in both wise traditions and modern discoveries.

While my bachelor’s degree is in Computer Science, I have a double minor in psychology and sociology, which has augmented my teaching and management experience well. I have created and conducted countless presentations, workshops, classes, seminars and the like in various environments, from collage classrooms to executive boardrooms.

In 1992 I received the U.S. Air Force award for the “Best Technician in the World” for the combined fields of Computers, Communications, and Electronics. While I do remain active in my engineering career, it is mostly to support my initiatives in nutrition and wellness, which have been my primary focus for a number of years now. With decades of teaching and presentation experience, and continuing education in current science, I am well prepared to share my knowledge and experience, and lead people to validated knowledge resources.

Formal Education:

  • Wise Traditions Nutrition Certificate, Hawthorn University
  • Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Studies, University of Maryland
  • Associate in Applied Science, Electronic Systems Technology, CCAF
  • Accredited Executive Associate, Institute for Independent Business

While I certainly appreciate my formal education efforts and titles, I do not consider them equal to the knowledge I have gained from my research passions. This is true not only for myself, but also for many others that I have sought to work with. For example, most of the very best software engineers and scientists were great before any formal education, and far exceeded any understanding that formal education had given them. In fact, I put off my own ‘titles’ for many years, and did not receive my Bachelor of Science until after the age of thirty. Much of my education came later in life when I was better able to appreciate the knowledge, the resources, the people, relations, etc., and better able to integrate them and apply them.  With all that said, I will probably continue my education indefinitely, as there is always more to learn…


Organization: Vitagenics 2015 – Current Position: Founder, Owner

Description of position: Established a portal website to bring wellness information to doctors, healers, and others seeking advise; and to foster collaboration among them. Consult with various clients for nutritional and wellness guidance in business and personal initiatives, and continue to publish articles on my current wellness activities, nutrition, health, and healing.

Organization: 3NF Corporation August 1997 – Current Position: President & CEO, Founder (Incorporated as a C Corp in NY, and in 2001 as a K.K. in Japan)

Description of position: Built and managed a multinational development team of fifty engineers, with persons in Russia, Hungary, Belarus, Japan, the Philippines, and the U.S. Founded 3NF Corporation in the U.S. and Japan. Responsible for contract development and management, product concept and design, project management, and engineering and business processes. Provide analysis (for business, requirements, and systems), design, and development for clients in the United States and Asia.

Organization: Langland June 2014 – April 2018 Position: Teacher, Language Instructor (Part-time)

Description of position: Advise on language instruction, and provide custom materials for teaching students in small groups and privately. Primary focus on verbal communication skills and cultural issues, with special emphasis in health and nutrition. Developed all lesson plans and materials, and customized them for individual needs.

Organization: Berlitz February 2007 – December 2013 Position: Teacher, Language Instructor (Part-time)

Description of position: Provided instruction for the English language, western culture, and various business topics, in group and private lessons. Qualified for instruction in all Berlitz Business materials, including topics such as Negotiations and Communications. Instructed thousands of classes, and hundreds of different students, ranging from company CEOs to High School students.

Organization: Tracor / Cordant / ICON August 1995 – September 1998 Position: Independent Contractor, Senior Computer Scientist

Description of position: Developed and implemented program management for staffing, software development, and network development; subsequently serving as the manager of information systems for a 700 person organization. Recruited and evaluated twelve independent consultants for successful placement on-site in support of projects and full-time services for CAD and GIS. Successfully managed the development and implementation of over a dozen enterprise wide database applications and a database warehouse. Managed the development of several dozen projects, to include the use of database, CAD, GIS, C++, and web based tools.

Organization: Central Texas College January 1996 – January 1997 Position: Computer Instructor / Teacher

Description of position: Approved for and provided instruction in database management, networking and telecommunications, operating systems, and various other curriculum courses. Provided technical support throughout pacific university sites, to include network planning and development, and hardware and software analysis.

Organization: University of Maryland January 1995 – March 1996 Position: Computer Specialist

Description of position: Provided technical support throughout pacific university sites, and assisted teachers through development and preparation of computer projects. Responsible for implementation, administration and maintenance of a client-server (Novell) network and associated equipment. Also implemented and demonstrated Linux as a network and desktop operating system.

Organization: 35th Civil Engineering Squadron, USAF January 1995 – August 1995 Position: Independent Contractor, Computer Scientist

Description of position: Established management, administrative, and maintenance procedures for CAD, Wang, Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, UNIX, and Novell networks. Developed solutions for network inter-operability, Japanese/English integration, and heterogeneous databases.

Organization: American Computer Services September 1994 – March 1996 Position: System / Database Administrator

Description of position: Responsible for administration of a peer to peer network, e-mail system, and xbase database management system. Debugged database, e-mail, and application problems that had persisted for over three years prior.

Organization: 432nd Communications Squadron, USAF March 1990 – November 1994 Position: Satellite-Wideband Communications Technician

Description of position: Responsible for project management, computer security and management, requisition processes, and bringing the work place to a networked environment. Developed, implemented, and managed a base wide equipment management plan, greatly improving quality of technical support and customer satisfaction. Developed numerous databases in dBaseIV for project management, inventory control, personnel management, requisitions management, and other needs. Implemented CAD, coordinating with other government agencies for requisition, training, standards, and integration. Awarded “Best Technician in the Air Force” for 1992. Also awarded Technician of the Year for Pacific Air Forces and for the 432d Communications Squadron, and nominated for several other management and technical awards.

Hobbies / Interests

For many people, hobbies are their primary form of education, eclipsing both education and ‘job’ experience. I am one of those people. While all my work experiences were passions, and were very enlightening and educational, I always remained active with many hobbies and interests that were driven by equal or greater passion.

Through my various forms of published content you will find that I have spent a lifetime researching things such as Quantum Physics and Eastern Philosophy, and how they apply to the human condition. Shamanism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, electrical medicine, sound healing, etc., are all things I have researched for many years out of sheer curiosity and a passion to understand and experience more of life.

It was not education or experience that led me to find many amazing ‘secrets’ in life, but rather my pursuit of hobbies and interests. Always follow your passion, and if society does not have a label for your passion, create your own and follow it anyway.