Vitagenics is a holistic approach to wellness. It is about achieving and maintaining maximum health, and to achieve that, it is helpful to realize that we are part of the world around us. It could be said that we ‘use’ the world to survive and thrive; however, a more effective perspective is to improve our condition by making the world a better place.
How can we make the world a better place?
There are many answers to that question, and hopefully you will find some that interest you on this page. Everyone can have an impact. Here are some things that we do, and plan to do:
Activism – both social and environment
The rise of the internet has given us so much more power to participate and organize. When you feel empowered, your health improves. We the people, at the grassroots level, can mobilize without ever leaving our homes. One of the biggest ways to remain active and make your voice heard is by signing petitions, and there are many online petition sites that make it easy for us:
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Earth Justice
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Sum of Us
- Food and Water Watch
Sustainable Agriculture
This is such an important effort, and we can all contribute by choosing to buy sustainable foods. Find small farms that you can buy directly from. Look for them. There are more than you think. And do the research to make sure that the farm is using sustainable methods. If they are not, maybe you can help point them in the right direction. Sustainably grown food is much healthier for us, as it will contain vastly more nutrition.
Buying food that is labeled ‘Organic’ is not enough, as these ‘certifications’ are often cost prohibitive for small farmers, and do not guarantee that our food is ‘organic’ in the way you might imagine. Thousands of chemicals are still allowed under ‘organic’ labels. Government definitions of ‘organic’ vary wildly, as special interest groups have great influence on the certification process.
In truth, all agriculture is destructive, and we would ideally all pursue a hunting and gathering lifestyle. But that is not feasible for most of us, so if you cannot hunt and gather, please seek out sustainable foods when you can.
Some sites that can help you understand and support sustainable agriculture:
Sustainable Architecture
If you are contemplating a move, a renovation, or ways to live more efficiently, you could learn a lot from various practices in sustainable architecture. From Hobbit houses to the Garbage Warrior to Feng Shui, there are countless creative options to help us live more in harmony with the planet. This type of thinking saves money, reduces toxins, and has many other long-term benefits for our health.
A Smaller Carbon Footprint
There are a lot of ways that each of us can reduce our carbon footprint, and a lot of it is listed above in the other sections on this page. But even without any of that, we can still make a big difference with small changes in our behavior and awareness.
These are just a small sampling of the things that Vitagenics can help you understand and incorporate into a healthier life.