Mayonnaise (commonly referred to as mayo) is often a source of unhealthy chemicals and food products in our diet. However, we can turn mayo into a healthy superfood by making it from scratch at home. Note: Make sure that all ingredients are at room temperature!

  • 3 egg yolks, at room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard or mustard powder (of your choice)
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt (Himalayan Pink salt, Celtic sea salt, etc.)
  • 1/2 cup each of olive oil (or avocado oil) and 1/2 cup of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)
  • [Optional, but strongly recommended] 1 tablespoon of whey (from milk, yogurt, or kefir)

STEP 1: Put everything except the oils into a container and mix gently with a fork. (This works best if you have something like a peanut butter jar that you can fit a hand blender into. With such a jar you do not have to transfer the mayo when finished!)

STEP 2: Combine your oils in a cup, make sure they are liquid and at room temperature.

STEP 3: If you have a hand blender that can fit into a jar with the egg mixture, pour the oils gently on top of the egg mixture, then place the blender in the jar, to the bottom, and blend.

STEP 4: If you have a larger food processor, blender, or emulsifier, slowly pour the oils into the the egg mixture while the blender is running.

STEP 5: If using whey, cover tightly and leave on a counter for 7+ hours before refrigerating. 


 * Mayo will keep for several months in the refrigerator, if made with whey. The addition of whey will also add enzymes and increase the nutrition of your mayo.

 * If you prefer not to use whey, you may leave it out of the recipe and refrigerate mayonnaise immediately (mayo will only keep for about 2 or 3 weeks without whey!).

 * If you use mostly VCO, this mayo will be thick and stiff when it is cold; however, it will feel the same as ‘store bought’ mayo after about ten minutes at room temperature.

 * Blending less than 1/2 cup VCO with olive or avocado oil makes a thinner mayo and adds a nice flavor. A good blend is 1/3 of each oil. Adjust balance to suit your taste, and try mixing other healthy oils that you might like, such as sesame oil.

 * An emulsion is a mixture of two liquids that usually do not mix together, like eggs and oil. By slowly mixing the oil into the eggs, you create an end product that is thicker than the two original liquids.

2 thoughts on “Mayonaise”

  1. Thank you for sharing, Victor. I knew how to make mayo, but the addition of whey to make it last longer is brilliant! I always learn things from you 🙂

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