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Kefir is a drink that you can make at home from milk. It looks like yogurt, or a yogurt drink, and it has existed in many cultures for a very long time.

Kefir (a probiotic) is similar to yogurt; however, it is vastly more powerful. Kefir will aggressively populate your digestive system with many beneficial organisms that will kill pathogens in your digestive system, and thus strengthen your immune system. It is also a great source of nutrition.

Kefir is touted as a cure for many different ailments, and if you search the web you will find people using it to help with cancer and chemo. An example of a technical explanation of kefir vs. cancer:

I would not buy commercial kefir products in a store because they are not nearly as strong as homemade kefir. So instead, I make it. I make it so that I know it is strong and unprocessed and untarnished by any additives. I make it by fermenting organic milk with kefir grains.  I make some daily, as the process takes about 24 hours to reach full strength.

Finding kefir grains is difficult, so don’t expect to see them in your local supermarket. Most people get them from friends or online specialty shops. There is not much business incentive in selling the grains, so most companies sell powdered versions that you have to keep buying. But if you get the grains, you just keep reusing them. This can be a little difficult, as you must continue ‘feeding’ your grains so that they do not die. This is one reason that not everyone can make their own kefir.

You can drink kefir in the form of smoothies made with bananas, berries, or whatever you can dream up.

Here is a very informative site for reading more about kefir.

While the above site is excellent for information, I do not recommend their products, as they do not provide the grains. The powdered versions of kefir will only have about 20% of the probiotics from a kefir that is made from the grains.

23 thoughts on “Kefir Grains”

    1. Milk kefir grains are not grains at all, so they do not have any gluten. The kefir ‘grains’ are actually a culture, or SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria & Yeast). Kefir is excellent for someone with gluten intolerance, as it provides many metabolites, enzymes, etc., that will help your body digest gluten and other food items.

    2. No! In fact, kefir is one of the most powerful antifungals, and specifically helped to keep Candida (albicans) in check! Homemade kefir will contain many kinds of yeast, including a type of candida (humilis), which all help to stop candida overgrowth. It is all about balance, and even the ‘bad’ Candida albicans is important for our health… when it is kept in check.

    3. Hello again! I am concerned about histamine too, in the strains. Do you know of any that are not high histamine?


    4. This is a tricky question, as many strains produce histamine; however, in some people the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulation affects outweighs it. It seems that there is a threshold, which would be different for each person; meaning, you would have to find the amount of kefir that works for you. The exact strain composition is also important, but not easy to control. Even there, it is complicated, because strains can alter in your biome!

  1. can you suggest me a dry kefir grains brand because i’ve seen alot of brands that have bad review or ratings

  2. Hey there! I just listened to your episodes on Wise Traditions and the Ideal Day Podcasts, I’m definitely looking forward to learning more!

    With regards to the kefir grains, I looked at the website you’ve referred others to above and it says they’re dehydrated grains. Forgive me if this is a silly question, but does that mean they’re the inferior powdered grains you mentioned? If so, where did you get your infinite (with care) grains?


    1. Powdered kefir packets are far inferior to the grains. The word ‘dehydrated’ can be applied to both the powder and the grains, because live grains will be prepared to survive shipping, and then take a few days to fully ‘revive’ when you get them. You will know if you are getting grains because it will say ‘live culture’ and will say that the grains can be used repeatedly to make kefir… so you never have to purchase more. The powder can only be used to make kefir a few times or so.

  3. I have tried kefir three times over the past dozen or so years. Each time, I used Kefir grains and raw goat’s milk. Same result all three times. Horrible constipation. It was like I’d swallowed concrete. Am I the only one who gets this reaction? What could the reason be? I want to get coaching here, but my experiences with kefir are making me hesitate.

    1. You probably started off with too much. However, any extreme reaction is a great indication of how powerful kefir is for you. I’ve seen some of my clients jump in too fast, which usually results in diarrhea, but can result in constipation. Start with a spoonful or less than half a glass. Or start with double fermented, using bananas for the 2nd ferment. Watch my videos, join my group, my Q&A, etc… you can contact me for coaching of course, but also take advantage of the free information.

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