Welcome to the Tribe

Humans are social creatures. We thrive in tribes, and rarely do well alone. We are like wolves, where the pack gives us abilities and comforts that are not able to be known by the lone wolf. Here, in Vitagenics, I want to empower you as an individual – both with knowledge, and with a tribe. This group is one of the most powerful and important parts of your healing protocol, so definitely take advantage of it.

I decided to post this comment because I know some people are shy, while others might be expecting a magic pill or guided tour. But healing is a journey, where you pick up knowledge and experience along the way, and again, in this case, a tribe. These things will help you again in the future, should you ever need to heal again. So focus on the journey, not the destination, and allow yourself to become part of the tribe.

For those of you that do not know me, I am a Computer Scientist as well as a Nutritionist and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and in all fields of science, we progress fastest in open sharing of knowledge. Sure, all information is free, but the vast majority of it is useless. We live in the information age, and are caught in the crossfire of information warfare. The tribe helps you to discern what is useful. This is why open source software rules the world. There is nothing more powerful than crowd-sourcing wellness.

One very important concept to keep in mind: Censorship is very real, and even occurs in ‘friendly’ places. Not only am I censored by Facebook, YouTube, etc. in my own groups, but I am further censored in other groups that I support, because I must respect the business interests and perspectives of others. So if you want the full breath and depth of my abilities, you’ll want to consult with me directly, or in safe places such as my courses. Don’t worry… I’ll help you get around the censorship, so just join the tribe and we’ll show you how to get on and stay on the road to wellness.

Good luck, and welcome to the tribe.

If you need more support, I offer it in many different ways:

Use the free information I provide, and find what works best for you. You are not alone. Become part of the Vitagenics tribe and feel the power.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to the Tribe”

  1. Hi Victor.

    I bought a Wand in April. I have a balance problem that makes me dizzy every day. I was told to go to FB but I am NOT a Zuckerber fan and refuse to do that. Anyhow, I’m not one to just do and began searching. I listened to many distributors one of which told us to have the wand face up our nose. The next morning I had a bloody nose…first time in my life and I’m 81 1/2 now. I immediately discontinued using the wand but have been continuing searching for help because I believe in this 100%.

    Last night I found your videos and your explanations made me feel safe. I’m off work today (I have a full time job…I am NOT OLD YET!!!) and decided since I found you I needed to spend serious time discovering what this was really all about. I used to be a rep and the way people are scrambling to buy this you know, is a LOT for the money NOT really for what it’s supposed to do.

    I’ve used the wand every single day since about the 18th of April, at least 2 times a day and when I”m home, 3 times a day. After the nosebleed my upline told me to stop using it a couple days but out of fear, decided to search for more help and here you are.

    IF you chose to tell me, where the heck do I need to point this thing to get my balance reset I’d be very grateful. I did think it was a dizzy problem that caused the balance problem but now I know it is the opposite. CAN YOU direct me please.

    I am a Certified Hypnotherapist by the way. Graduated in 1990. Went to HMI in LA. What I got out of it was discovering I didn’t want to sit and talk to people like I used to when I went to a shrink, but, I did discover I was a kinesthetic learner and finally accepted the amazing talents I have and use.

    I was just watching the video with the green guide. I’ve seen the first 2 pages from Prife and then from John Baxters office (Anti Aging Bed) because I just bought their bed cover and knowing I had a Wand, they forwarded me that infor. However, the last few pages you had on your site were not included in what they sent me and you rushed through them so fast I couldn’t read them. SO, where can I find them.

    I was just diagnosed with cataracts by the way so that page was great…I have been wanding my face and eyes but not the way the sketch showed. NOW, if you have any clue where balance needs to be handled, PLEASE, if you will, tell me. I’m tired of walking like a drunk everyday.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing all this with people…now that I have a better understanding and once I actually heal ??? myself I have correct information to feed people so if they chose to get one of the Wands, they will use it correctly.

    Have a great day. I live in Houston now. HOT as all get out…

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