Don’t fear names. There is a never ending ‘name game‘ for supposedly new ailments that strike us in various ways. This is true for the thyroid and just about every other part of the human body. But they are just names. They might tell you that you have an ‘autoimmune condition’ such as Hashimoto’s, and that it cannot be reversed. But that is false. For every ‘incurable’ condition there are countless ‘miracle’ recoveries out there. In this article I’ll explain the very normal things that help make these miracles happen for thyroid issues.
I’ll focus on Hashimoto’s here, but this guidance applies to nearly all thyroid issues. Of course you shouldn’t listen to anything I say, as I am not part of the medical establishment. This is provided for your education, and to empower you to make your own decisions. Keep in mind that we are all different, and there are always exceptions to every rule.
In short, Hashimoto’s happens because your body is attacking the thyroid gland by mistake. There is much disagreement as to why this happens, and there are multiple factors – namely toxins and leaky gut. How do we stop that mistaken attack and heal the thyroid? There are a number of things we can do:
- DETOX. This is always going to be the top priority for any issue, so please watch my videos and read my guidance on how to supercharge your detox capabilities. Using as many detox agents as possible (from the things I recommend) will greatly aid you. Toxins are the root cause, and they are almost always ignored. This is absolutely PRIORITY #1.
- SELENIUM. You’ll notice that I mention mustard seed and Brazil nuts in various content because they are excellent sources of selenium, and this is a key nutrient that we tend to be deficient in. It is particularly important for thyroid health. It’s very easy to get mustard seed into your diet – get an organic mustard seed powder and start adding it to almost everything you eat. The flavor can be spectacular; however, if you don’t want that flavor, just add less.
- IODINE. Please do NOT take any kind of crazy iodine supplements, as that can often make things worse. However, most people are deficient in iodine, and iodine is very important for thyroid health and as a detox agent. The best way to get it is via food such as seaweed; however, using Lugol’s Solution is very convenient, cheap, effective, and gentle, as you can just rub a drop or two on your wrists and watch it absorb into your skin. Adding it to lemon water with salt can also be a great way to absorb it. Some people might find that something like Detoxadine works better for them.
- KEFIR. Probiotics are powerful for many reasons, and kefir is the most powerful probiotic of all. In addition, kefir provides many important vitamins, enzymes, minerals, peptides, amino acids, fats, protein, etc., and is a great aid for detox, digestion, immunity, and more.
- BROTH (Soups, Stews, etc.). Throwing some meat or fish – with bones, skin, etc. into a pot with veggies, herbs, and spices and cooking a long time at low heat willl provide you with one of the healthiest foods ever known. Cook the way our ancestors did. Avoid canned soups, and avoid cooking such foods with high heat. I have videos and articles to help guide you. This is really important, as healing and sealing the gut lining is the most important point for eliminating any autoimmune disorder. If you cannot do health broth’s, then consider supplementing with a high quality collagen powder.
LYMPH FLOW. I want to break this out separately, as it is never talked about and can be very helpful. One of the key indicators of potential Hashimoto’s is a lot of lymphocytes in the thyroid, indicating high immune activity. Keeping the lymph moving helps to keep metabolic waste from building up and complicating things, and strengthens your overall immunity. Even in the case of autoimmune disorders we still want to optimize our immune systems function, as everything is related, and reducing toxicity is priority one. There are a few things that we can do related to lymph:
- Movement. Exercised, jumping, tumbling, trampoline, etc. are very helpful if you can do any of them.
- Lymph massage. Search for videos on lymph massage, as there are many. You are basically stroking your head, face, and neck in a downward manner, attempting to move the lymph down. This can also be incredible for clearing sinus pressure and headaches.
- Magnetic Pulser. This particular PEMF device from Sota Instruments remains the best PEMF bang for the buck that I’ve seen for twenty years. This is great for many things, and for helping to get the lymph flowing and activating cells; as well as ridding the body of tumors. It’s convenient to use too, and mine is still working nearly twenty years later.
- Colloidal Silver. This does not go into the lymph at all; however, it greatly aids the body’s immune capability, and thus reduces the burden on the lymphatic system. If there are any pathogenic issues involved in triggering the autoimmune response, then CS may greatly reduce that trigger. It does no harm, and potentially tremendous good.
FOOD RESTRICTIONS? I’m not really a fan of this idea, as it can do more harm than good by exasperating malnutrition and add more stress on top of that. Food guidance is more important, with a few key things to note:
- Try to keep processed foods out of your diet. They are so toxic, so try to follow this general dietary guidance to the best of your ability. Some guides for Hashimoto’s will tell you to avoid dairy, eggs, and/or red meat, and I absolutely disagree with that, except in rare case where people truly cannot tolerate quality dairy or eggs. Quality is the key. It is ironic that they will have you avoid such nutritious foods while also pointing out that deficiencies in iodine and iron are common cofactors.
- Try to keep all soy products out of your diet; unless they are properly fermented traditional soy foods such as miso, natto, soy sauce, tempe, tofu, etc.. Note that in most cases those traditional foods are not really ‘traditional’ any more, so please choose good products if you really must have those.
- If you are in the US, you should do your best to avoid all wheat. The wheat in the US is more toxic and more hybridized than most other parts of the world, and this creates a lot of trouble. If you really want bread, learn to make your own with ancient wheats (video). In Italy and other parts of the world this is much less of a problem.
STRESS. Get the stress out. I love the Emotion Code of course, and there are endless other great tools that can also aid you in reducing stress. Take a look at my article and the videos that are listed there.
DEVICES: I already mentioned the Magnetic Pulser above, but I’ll list it again here with a few other devices for convenience. Devices are such an incredible bargain in the long run, as most last long, can be shared with others, have no maintenance costs, and help us address multiple issues.
- Magnetic Pulser: Repeating what I said above, this particular PEMF device from Sota Instruments remains the best PEMF bang for the buck that I’ve seen for twenty years. Use this over your entire body, and especially on any trouble spots.
- Red Light Therapy: This can help give you more energy, as well as help with lymph flow, detox, etc. You’ll see there are several options, and I find the pads to be the most convenient in most cases. Watch my video here.
- iTeraCare: This is more of a shoutout to acupuncture and moxibustion, as well as all other types of heat therapy. iTeraCare is still relatively new, but it has been helping many people with various issues. It is definitely not as convenient as the devices mentioned above, but it is different.
WATER: This is related to detox, but that is not all it is about. I’ll leave you with two key guides here:
- PREPARE: I have an article here on my water station, and that shows you the various things we can do to make sure our water intake is as healthy as possible. Do what you can to avoid toxic water.
- HYDROGEN: There is a multitude of benefits from hydrogen water, and while it is not a magic pill, it is another little thing you can do to help move you forward. It’s not just the hydrogen water itself, but also what it is likely to displace – drinks in plastic bottles, and various toxic beverages.
- MORE: It’s not necessary, but if you want to dive deeper into understand water, hydrogen, structure, etc., and I have a longer playlist here.
Many people need some coaching to help them get started with the details, but this information is really all you need. Of course this article links to other details, but at least you can use this as you simple guide to help keep you on track. Watch and rewatch my Vitagenics Protocol playlist, and do what you can from that. You don’t need to follow 100% of my videos are anyone else’s, as we are all unique. Start one step at a time, and implement the things that are easiest for you to do. Over time you’ll find yourself able to do more and more, and before you know it you’ll be one of those miracle recoveries.
If you need a helping hand, reach out for some coaching.