Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
This is a template, from which your custom program will be built. Contact me at victor.cozzetto@gmail.com to have me tailor your program for you. If you are looking for a quick fix, I have a ridiculously simple solution that works for most people here.
FIRST: I would argue that Hypertension is NOT a “Condition” or “Disease” or “Genetic Defect” or any such thing. It is a symptom. In fact, it is a symptom of other symptoms. It results from a chain of other underlying factors, and is thus trying to tell you to address those.
Medication can save your life in a trauma situation; however, it is killing you in a long-term situation. But what is a trauma situation?! The current barometers for defining hypertension are false. The idea of having everyone target 120/80 has nothing to do with health.
So what is hypertension a symptom of? It can be a symptom of one or more of the following:
- Malnutrition: This is the root cause of almost everything else listed below, and it revolves around just a handful of key nutrients. Magnesium deficiency is the most common issue, and fixing this single thing resolves the problem for many people. Potassium is next on the list. NOTE: Even deficiencies in sodium are sometimes an issue; although the key to sodium is usually to have enough potassium. Calcium too can be a factor, as it works with magnesium in certain areas (muscle performance); although few people are deficient in calcium (or sodium). Vitamin K2 is another critical nutrient that people tend to be deficient in (K1 is also a factor but is far less likely to be deficient).
- Toxicity: In order to assure that you are absorbing your nutrients, you must detox. Even people with perfect diets can be deficient because toxins are blocking absorption. See the detox guide to make sure this issue is being addressed.
- Stress: With everything else being perfect, stress can still drive up blood pressure if it is out of balance. We actually do need some stress in our lives, but it needs to be within our capacity to handle it. It is common knowledge at this point that stress is a primary root cause of many issues and ailments.
- Hidden Emotional factors (these can be dealt with via the Emotion Code and other methods)
- Obvious Emotional factors
- Physical factors (too much or too little, other health issues)
- Environmental factors
- Poor Blood Quality: Viscosity, clotting or anti clotting, pathogenic load, etc
- Arteriosclerosis (Hardening of the arteries): This is when your blood vessels (not only arteries) lose their flexibility and elasticity. This can be reversed.
- Atherosclerosis (Plaque buildup): This can be reversed.
- Neuropathy and Muscular Performance: This is often addressed by fixing deficiencies and balance in magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium. More serious neurodegenerative issues can be resolved with the addition of things like mushrooms (especially Lion’s Mane), and energy medicine (devices, healers)
- Poor Vagus Nerve Tone: Breathwork, exercise, hot/cold therapies, and more.
- Disruption of Circadian Rhythm (and other hormonal rhythms, lunar rhythm, etc.)
Some symptoms may have to be managed while you work on the root cause; however, when you target underlying symptoms, you get a positive domino effect. If you are on medication for hypertension, you will have to monitor your blood pressure closely, as it will come down, and you will have to decrease or stop your meds!
Five things to consider:
- Removing and Reducing Stress (improving sympathetic nervous system performance, vagus nerve performance, etc.)
- Reduces Whitecoat syndrome
- Reduces physical stress from overactive fight/flight response
- Breathing practices, or even devices (such as this company) or (these devices)
- Improving blood flow = improving the quality of your blood; viscosity, clotting or anti clotting, pathogenic load, etc.
- Improving neurological and muscular activity.
- Improving flexibility / elasticity of your blood vessels, arteries, etc.
- “Cleaning” the pipes of plaque, clots, etc.
- Magnesium (via topical magnesium oil)
- Potassium (via cream of tarter)
- Cayenne pepper
- Energy Devices
- Beck Protocol
- Remove Stress (via the Emotion Code, Energy healing, meditation, etc.)
- Nitric Oxide (mostly via the Amino Acids L Arginine and L Citrulline) (one of these, plus one of these: Note the inclusion of Pine Bark)
- Natto (or Nattokinase)
- More Saturated fats.
- Structured water
A few videos and article with additional information: