The Holy Grail

A leading medical researcher and dentist, Dr. Weston A. Price spent ten years living in the most remote places on earth, as he pursued and found the secrets to health, which he then published in 1939 in astounding detail. His work has a profound impact on health, epigenetics, agriculture, and many other fields.

Dr. Price was a real life hero of the highest order. If my own life consists of nothing more than spreading Dr. Price’s wisdom, it will be a life well spent. He has given us ‘the holy grail’ of dietary guidance, and from his work has sprouted a wealth of knowledge and hope for the future. 21st century sciences are continuously validating and building upon the foundations that he gave us nearly one hundred years ago.

Consider this question: Do you think dental cavities can heal?

If you are like most people, including most dentists, you will answer ‘no’ to that question. And you would be wrong. Dr. Price was a leading dentist and medical researcher in the U.S. in the early 1900s, and she showed us exactly how we could heal cavities (and resolve many other health issues). Yes, without a doubt, it is a normal human capacity to heal cavities, just as it is normal to heal a broken bone, scrape, or cut. But the body needs proper nutrition to perform the healing, and Dr. Price defined precisely what that nutrition was.

Lucky for us a woman named Sally Fallon resurrected the incomparable work of Dr. Price, and upon his work she started The Weston A. Price Foundation:

The heart of that foundation can be found in Dr. Price’s now famous Book:

‘Nutrition and Physical Degeneration’
By Weston A. Price, DDS, Published in 1939

For nearly 10 years, Weston Price and his wife traveled around the world in search of the secret to health. Instead of looking at people afflicted with disease symptoms, this highly respected dentist and dental researcher chose to focus on healthy individuals, and challenged himself to understand how they achieved such amazing health. Dr. Price traveled to hundreds of cities in a total of 14 different countries in his search to find healthy people. He investigated some of the most remote areas in the world…”

It is well worth it to get the most current edition; however, there are free online Versions (1st edition) that will stun you with their photos, x-rays, and findings:

Other online versions can also be found through search engines.

I have many favorite authors and beloved books, including several by Sally Fallon, as she put Dr. Price’s work into practice with amazing cook books (Nourishing Traditions, Nourishing Broth, etc.) and modern applications of his work. She is a hero in her own right. But for me, finding Dr. Price’s seminal work was like finding The Holy Grail.

You will find his work verified and built upon by countless people on the web. Don’t trust me. Do the research.

Most of what I do stems from the knowledge that he revealed to us. My personal research and graduate work is based largely upon what he started, and it is only in recent decades that we are starting to really understand what he did. He discovered vitamin K2, which he called Activator X, and it took the world over 60 years to confirm and label it as K2.

His work is so vast, and yet so simple and obvious that anyone can grasp it. You don’t even have to read the book… just look at the photos… dozens and dozens of photos showing the perfect teeth and bones of isolated peoples… and how they decay and deform when introduced to modern food. I dare you to read his book.

My One Page Dietary guide is based on guidance from the Weston A. Price Foundation, which is of course based directly on the work of Dr. Price, and applied to our modern times. There is no one ‘diet’ to follow, but rather a guide, because Dr. Price showed us that there are a great many ways to get the same nutrition. Look at his book from 1939. It will astonish you, and it will lead you to a healthier life.

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